
Sunday, August 26, 2007

How To Become An Actor - The First Step

I bet most of you are wondering what are the first steps you need to take when learning how to become an actor? Of course you are, that's why you're here right? Well I've got a quick video of Casting director Katrina Cook owner of Kats Casting to show you. Kat gives you a few starting points and tips to help you get started. Simply click on the video to play it.

Thanks Kat! To some of you they may seem like obvious tips, but if they're so obvious why aren't you doing them? Remember, you have to take action to make things happen. This is true in anything you do in life, but to get an acting career you definitely have to take action and initiative yourself to help get the ball rolling. I know we'd all love to be walking through the mall and suddenly get discovered by some wandering casting director or acting agent. Let's get serous folks and face reality. It's likely not going to happen that way. Very few people ever 'get discovered'. They worked to get where they are. You've got to work for it! That's how to become an actor. Some of you may want to check out Actor and Acting Coach Calvin Jung's page.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Learn How To Become An Actor

Ok, just to get things rolling, and for all you gung-ho people out there that want to learn how to become an actor RIGHT NOW, today is your lucky day! I've got a personal recommendation for you. Today, you'll learn about Calvin Jung. Calvin has been a professional acting coach and actor for over 36 years. He's worked with such actors as Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Angela Lansbury, George C. Scott and even Mel Gibson! Calvin is now all about helping others to get their feet wet and start up their acting careers today! Anyone who's been in the industry long enough knows of Calvin Jung.

Want to learn more about him too? All you eager beavers can check out his site here:

Calvin Jung - Instant Acting Tips

Go check him out and let me know what you think. Learn how to become an actor today.

How To Become An Actor

Hi all,

So you want to learn how to become an actor, but you don't know how to begin or where to go? Don't feel bad, unfortunately, that's very normal. At least you're here, which means that you've already taken the first step. That is, you're taking initiative and are looking around for information.

It's always bothered me that so many people don't know where to begin to pursue their dream to become an actor. That's what this blog/site is for. You will learn from myself and many other fellow actors how we did it. All our tips, tricks, and secrets to get into the business and build a successful acting career.

So bookmark this blog, sit back and come back often. I'll start posting info about how to become an actor very soon so get ready!